414 research outputs found

    Behaviour-based Virus Analysis and Detection

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    Every day, the growing number of viruses causes major damage to computer systems, which many antivirus products have been developed to protect. Regrettably, existing antivirus products do not provide a full solution to the problems associated with viruses. One of the main reasons for this is that these products typically use signature-based detection, so that the rapid growth in the number of viruses means that many signatures have to be added to their signature databases each day. These signatures then have to be stored in the computer system, where they consume increasing memory space. Moreover, the large database will also affect the speed of searching for signatures, and, hence, affect the performance of the system. As the number of viruses continues to grow, ever more space will be needed in the future. There is thus an urgent need for a novel and robust detection technique. One of the most encouraging recent developments in virus research is the use of formulae, which provides alternatives to classic virus detection methods. The proposed research uses temporal logic and behaviour-based detection to detect viruses. Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) will be used to generate virus specifications, properties and formulae based on the analysis of the behaviour of computer viruses, in order to detect them. Tempura, which is the executable subset of ITL, will be used to check whether a good or bad behaviour occurs with the help of ITL description and system traces. The process will also use AnaTempura, an integrated workbench tool for ITL that supports our system specifications. AnaTempura will offer validation and verification of the ITL specifications and provide runtime testing of these specifications

    Persuasive Methods in Television Advertising and Its Impact on the Promotion of Consumer Goods

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    TV commercials use a lot of persuasive methods in order to reach to persuade consumers to purchase and the acquisition of this item, the research aims to illustrate the importance of television advertising and its role in providing information to the consumer, and identify persuasive methods used by television advertising in the promotion of consumer goods, and determine the types of persuasive methods used by Television advertising in the promotion of consumer goods, the analysis of the content of a sample of 26 different and diverse television advertisement in terms of form and content taken from the research community mbc satellite channel, has been using content analysis consists of (12) category include persuasive methods used by advertising form TV to promote consumer goods and consumer convince Bagtnaiha, and the results of the analysis showed that television advertising persuasive use different methods in the provision of goods to the consumer and convince him out, the mismatch emotional and logical methods and diversity in the provision of subjects. Keywords: advertising, persuasion, TV, goods, and consumer

    Dialogue and Symbolism in Hemingway’s the Old Man and the Sea (Dialogue) and Hills Like White Elephants (Symbolism) from Mu'tah University Students' Perspective

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    This research paper aims at investigating the extent of Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea of being a dialogue novel and Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants as a novel of symbolism from Mut’ah University students’ perspective. A thorough evaluation of the novels was conducted, examining dialogue in the first story and symbolism in the second story. A qualitative approach was used to collect data. Structured interviews were conducted with seven students from Mu’tah University, Faculty of Arts in Karak, Jordan. The participant students were selected randomly to be the sample for the study. The interviewees were asked about their thinking in regard to dialogue and symbolism in the study’s participated novels.  A questionnaire with open-ended items was utilized for this purpose. Data analysis confirmed that the Old Man and the Sea is a novel built on dialogue, and Hills Like White Elephants is a novel of symbols. Keywords: Hemingway, Old Man and the Sea, Hills Like White Elephants, Dialogue, Symbolism DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/60-05 Publication date:September 30th 201

    The Functionality of Lexical Patterns in Achieving Written Text Unity in English as a Foreign Language General Writing at Omar Ibn Al Khatab Secondary School in Jordan

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    This research paper aims at exploring the functionality of lexical patterns in achieving written text unity in English as a foreign language general writing at secondary school level in Jordan b in general and in secondary school for boys at Omar Ibn Al Khatab Jordan at Al Qaser Directorate of Education in particular.Sample consists of 20 students selected randomly. In order to achieve the study’s objectives two research instruments used namely; Hoey's (1991) Matrix of Lexical Patterning. Quantitative data analysis results are expressed Keywords: Lexical Patterns, Repetition Jordan. Foreign language DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-26-06 Publication date:September 30th 2019

    Methods other than Experimental Animals for Screening Antitumor Compounds

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    Some scientists avoid the work with experimental animals. For that, it is important to describe alternative methods. In this review, some bioassays were described as an alternative for the experimental animals. The concept of cancer formation was discussed to show why such bioassays are useful for detecting antitumor compounds. The bioassays described in this review are technical, practical and recommended as a preliminary screening of large samples for the existences of antitumor activities. Such bioassays could reduce the pain of the experimental animals

    Factors affecting Stock Market Prices in Amman Stock Exchange: A Survey Study

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    This study aims to identify the impact of most basic factors in the market share price of listed companies in Amman Stock Exchange from the respondent's opinions. These factors are: Internal factors and external factors. The population of the study included the (227) listed companies in Amman Stock Exchange. A random sample that of 60 companies was withdrawn.  The study adopted descriptive and analytical method. To achieve the objectives of this study the researchers depended on two types of data: Secondary data and Primary data. For the purpose of testing hypotheses the study relied on statistical package for Social Sciences (SPSS) by using appropriate statistical methods. These are: Descriptive Statistic measures and ANOVA analysis test.   Results of the study showed that there are impacts of internal and external factors in determining the stock prices of the listed companies in Amman Stock Exchange. The most impact was  the inflation rate, while     the least one was the nature of firm business. According to the objectives and results of the study, researcher recommended a several recommendations such as, strengthening the role of companies through their involvement in the drafting of laws and legislations Keywords: stock , market price, stock exchange, bonds marke

    Towards Secure Interoperability of EHR among Healthcare Organizations in Palestine

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    Technological development in the e-health field helps to facilitate and enhance healthcare, and improve treatment quality. Different public and private healthcare facilities in Palestine employ different health information systems; consequently, sharing health information has become more challenging and complex. In this paper, the researchers firstly investigate the current status of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in Palestine and the readiness of the various healthcare centers to foster the interoperability of EHRs. Secondly, the researchers propose a secure framework that might be used to deploy interoperability among healthcare centers. The mixed method approach was used to achieve the objectives of the research. Interviews were conducted with IT managers, and questionnaires were distributed to 331 out of 2350 personnel employed in five Palestinian hospitals. The findings of quantitative and qualitative studies show that there is no electronic exchange of EHRs between private and public healthcare facilities, and they highlight the necessity of putting interoperability into practice to enhance the quality of healthcare in Palestine and keep up with global advancements in health technology. Based on these findings, the researchers propose a technical framework for interoperability in Palestine using UXP/ X-Road, to securely and effectively share EHRs among healthcare centers

    Palestinian elderly women's needs and their physical and mental health

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    is a descriptive study that was conducted on 50 Palestinian elderly women whose ages were above 65 years. Open- ended, face-to-face, tape recorded interviews were used as a method for data collection. The sample was selected conveniently through personal contacts and health centers at various living localities of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The interviews were transcribed verbatim then analyzed using appropriate themes and categories, then simple calculations with percentages and count of responses were done for each of the questions of the interview. Results indicated that (42%) of the participants reported having limitation of movement and mobility caused by some musculoskeletal problem; 60% had cardiovascular problems, 34% had diabetes, and 28% had respiratory illnesses. The data indicated that the majority of the participants (92%) have some kind of social connectedness with family members and the local community. The main role the participants is routine work at home such as cleaning, cooking, and other house chores, as reported by 28 (56%) of the participants. Thirty-one (62%) participants said that they spend quite a lot of time in praying and sometimes reading the Quran. The main feelings of the participants are located under “a depressive” symptom, anxiety-related, or loss of control and autonomy, however; there was a variation in the severity of these symptoms. While 44% of the respondents were thankful to God and appreciative that their lives are satisfying and they were content for whatever they get from life and family, 20% of the participants were waiting for death to come, had death ideation or wished to die

    The Impact of Fiscal Policy and Trade Liberalization on Economic Growth: Evidence from Structural Breaks for Jordan

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of fiscal policy and trade liberalization on Jordan's economic growth. Design/methodology/approach: The study used Augmented Dicky Fuller unit root tests and Kapetanios unit root tests with structural breaks for the empirical investigation.   Findings: Government spending and taxation have a favourable influence on economic growth, according to the simulation results. Public debt has a negative but negligible effect on economic growth. Economic growth is significantly influenced by trade liberalisation.   Research implications: The consequence is the proportion of spending on infrastructure and human resources should be increased by taxes financing rather than foreign loans. Improving the competitiveness of domestic industries is necessary for free trade to have a positive effect.   Originality/value: This study is innovative due to the absence of research that addresses Fiscal Policy, Trade Openness and economic growth with the structural break in Jordan

    The Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and Creative Performance of Employees: Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction in International Non-Governmental Organizations

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between psychological empowerment and creative performance through the mediating effect of job satisfaction in the International Non-Governmental Organization’s (INGO’s) context in Jordan. In accomplishment of this, an online questionnaire was distributed to a random representative sample of INGO’s employees working at Jesuit Refugee Service Jordan. Data were collected from 125 workers who are diverse in their gender, age, educational level, work experience and hierarchical position. Additionally, SPSS and AMO statistical software were used in order to read out the results of the filled out questionnaires. Moreover, Correlation Matrix, Multiple Regression Analysis and Mediation Analysis Process statistical tools were adopted in order to validate the proposed relationship. Sequentially, the results of the analysis validated the proposition that psychological empowerment is correlated significantly to the creative performance of employees through the mediating effect of job satisfaction
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